ART SALE at my studio in Steeple Morden, Royston, Herts SG8 0NN
Come along to my studio on November 9th and 10th and 23rd and 24th.
All my print work and textiles, art and sewing materials will be discounted, so come and pick up a bargain.
Come along to my studio on November 9th and 10th and 23rd and 24th.
All my print work and textiles, art and sewing materials will be discounted, so come and pick up a bargain.
ART SALE at my studio in Steeple Morden, Royston, Herts SG8 0NN
Items include a display board, papers, paper pads, lino tools, Janome needle punching sewing machine, cards, notebooks, screen printing frames, picture frames, mounts.

Swans at the bridge lino cut.